LSU Health Tsunoda laboratory

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500 access! Ikuo (Male)

2012/01/28 (Sat) 18:29:27

The number of accesses to this homepage have reaced 500. Thank you for your interest.


A Happy New Year! 300 access - Ikuo Tsunoda (Male)

2011/12/31 (Sat) 19:32:06

A Happy New Year!

The number of accesses to this homepage have reaced 300 today. Thank you for your interest. Since we launched our blog recently, this has enabled us to provide recent information rapidly. Please visit our new blog!


300 アクセス 謹賀新年 - 角田郁生 (Male)

2011/12/31 (Sat) 19:27:27



動画再掲載 角田郁生 (Male)

2011/12/24 (Sat) 14:51:43


200 access Ikuo Tsunoda (Male)

2011/12/09 (Fri) 19:25:00

Today, the total number of access reached 200! Thank you very much for your interest. I updated information of the "publication" and "picture" sections of the website.

Please send me your comments either using this BBS or e-mail.



200 訪問者 角田郁生 (Male)

2011/12/09 (Fri) 19:15:58

研究室のホームページを立ち上げて以来、アクセス回数が200に到達しました。関心を示して頂き有難うございます。現在、私の研究室には、パキスタンから医学部の3年生のMaira Shahidさんが短期の研修に来ています(写真を添付しました)。過去には、私の研究室には日本から優秀な医学生が短期留学したことはありますが、今回も非常に優秀な学生さんに恵まれ、幸運でした。

100 訪問者 Ikuo Tsunoda (Male)  URL

2011/12/06 (Tue) 17:56:17


100 visitors! Ikuo Tsunoda (Male)  URL

2011/12/06 (Tue) 17:49:26

I am happy to see that the number of the visitors of my homepage is over 100 now.

Thank you very much for interested in my research!


No Title Elena (?)

2011/12/06 (Tue) 09:40:33

Where are your presentations? I do remember you did it on face book.Look forward to see your video project :)

Video Ikuo Tsunoda (Male)  URL

2011/12/06 (Tue) 17:47:24

Dear Elena,

Thank you for your support! I initially included videos in this homepage, but removed them for some reason. In the future, I hope that I will post some of my presentations again.

Good! - Nagata (Male)

2011/12/06 (Tue) 00:53:57

I am feeling so happy to know that you are expanding your lab (^^). keep you plugged in

Re: Good! Ikuo Tsunoda (Male)  URL

2011/12/06 (Tue) 09:05:26

ご無沙汰しております。CardiovascularのFellowship grantを、私のラボの佐藤文孝先生と尾村誠一先生の両方が取得するという幸運がありましたので、少しラボを拡張することができました。このホームページは”一日でできる!はじめて作るホームページ”という本を買って作成してみました。ご助言やご批判など戴ければ幸いです。

角田 郁生

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